
Supporting Black Business:

Halsey & Lewis Holds Bed-Stuy Together
Supporting Black Business:

June is a handful: It’s Gay Pride. We’re still in the midst of fighting COVID-19. The Supreme Court is handing down life-changing decisions every Monday. And we’re in protest. Perhaps for the first time in American history there is a reckoning – demanding -- that #BlackLivesMatter.

Ask these 5 questions to improve online communication

Being ready and able to use your website for communicating effectively is made simpler by answering questions about the who, what, and how behind the message
Ask these 5 questions to improve online communication

What we choose to communicate now has more impact than just a few days and weeks ago, and how we do it will make all the difference to keeping ourselves and our audience safe and well as we move forward together.

Consultant as an agent of change

Bonnie Osinski asks: "In the context of your current work, what can’t you do now that you would like to be able to do?"
Consultant as an agent of change

Leaders seeking change can quickly create an "us versus them" feeling for the workers you deal with on a daily basis. It's your greatest challenge and opportunity to pursue a process and deliver results that feel mutually beneficial.

Unlock the Value of your Organization’s Data

Taylor Ourada insists: Asking questions that matter are vital to establishing a data strategy
Unlock the Value of your Organization’s Data

It is now a data-driven world, and, whether you know it or not, you are making decisions every day about what data you collect and what data you let slip away. By identifying the most fundamental questions facing your business, you can pinpoint and track the right data points efficiently.

Digital in Dementia

The potential for technology in assisting those with dementia is there. Is it being realized?
Digital in Dementia

If you decide to refresh your brand and redesign your icons (let alone interaction and gestures) in a graphical user interface update, then as a consequence you will break the recognition patterns and muscle memory a person with early dementia relies on.

Winning back the iPhone Generation

Ray Shah of Think Design says it's all or nothing. Moderation doesn’t work.
Winning back the iPhone Generation

We are more guilty than our children, gorging ourselves daily at the nonstop all-you-can-eat digital smorgasbord we invented. We don’t fully know the consequences, but they are unlikely to all be good.